Toontastic 3D, an Educational Animation App for Kids
Google has introduced the Toontastic 3D, a free app for children. Using this application, children can make animated videos to be used in short stories, school projects, or to explore the kids’ creativity. The app is available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
The application is easy to use. The first step is to select the type of animation that can be either of the following: a classic story, a science report, or a short story. There are a many scenes accessible in the app, which form the staging settings for the animations. They can also draw their own environment from the available environments in the app.
Once the environment is added, next are the characters of the scene. The app has a huge list of characters such as a shark, a gorilla, a robot, a mermaid, a jellyfish, and many more. The characters are organized as per the themes, including space, pirates, explorers, and city. The kids can even draw and add their own characters.
The kids should record each scene and move the background characters. They can further provide narrations to the characters. Toontastic 3D app automatically provides the animations for walking and turning. After animations are set, the movements can be enhanced by adding moods such as tense, curious, stormy, or gloomy.
Isn’t it a creativity enhancing app? Are you thinking to download it for your kids? Feel free to share your thoughts.